I’ve decided to just give into trusting randomness on this trip. It seems to have served me well so far and I like the spontaneity of it. By going with the flow of random encounters and circumstances, I’ve made new friends, been introduced to restaurants, cafes and pubs that have quickly become my favorites, plus have had a whole lot of fun along the way!

It all started when my host recommended a restaurant called the High Cafe in the Latin Quarter of Galway, Ireland. His directions were somewhat obscure… Turn left out of the apartment, make a right past the pizza place, cross over the first street, go up a couple blocks, turn left, and it’s up on the second floor. I wondered if any of the streets had names. It couldn’t be that hard to find, right? It was only a few blocks from where I was staying.
After circling several blocks many times, I stood standing on a corner looking very lost, and was contemplating whether or not to make another round. I was approached by a man that started speaking Spanish. I thought he was lost, and trying to ask for help. I apologized, and told him I didn’t understand Spanish.
He suddenly started speaking English. He was actually a local Irishman that thought I was from Spain. He said I looked Spanish. Hmmm… Since I’ve never been to Spain, I wasn’t sure if it was true or it was a pick up line. Either way, it was funny and we struck up a conversation on the corner.
He was heading to a French cafe for coffee and invited me to join him. I figured why not? Part of the adventure of traveling solo is meeting new people, and this seemed like a good start.

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We went to Java’s Creperie and Cafe Francais. It’s such an adorable, cozy cafe, and was a perfect place to hang out. I was happy to see the many different options of crepes to choose from, since I was now starving! Despite the many choices, my sweet tooth won out… It’s hard to turn down Nutella crepes for dinner!
Java’s has quickly became one of my favorites in Galway, Ireland and I’ve already started bringing friends here. So, in honor of trusting randomness, I have decided my mantra for the trip should be “Why Not”?

Check out Surfing in Bundoran, Ireland.
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