Time To Fish! Solmar Fishing Fleet
Growing up in Chicago, I spent a good portion of my childhood fishing Wisconsin rivers and lakes with my Dad. I learned how to make fishing jigs, and bait hooks with worms and minnows. I had never fished in the ocean before, so I figured now was my chance!
Solmar has a fleet of boats to choose from, and they all come fully equipped. You are provided with a Captain and a mate. The fishing tackle, rods and reels are all included. Food and drinks can be ordered through Solmar, or you can bring your own.
The only thing I had to provide was the Dramamine! I highly recommend taking some, or you might find yourself desperately wishing you had later! And, you don’t want to ruin the experience of sportfishing in Cabo!
Go big or go home! I booked an eight hour fishing tour. I wanted to catch some big fish, and I figured it might take some time! It was time to play with the boys… At least the ones that know how to bait a hook!
Plan on getting up early… As in before the sun comes up! I was on the boat before daybreak, and ready to go… Ok, I was really still pretty sleepy and the Dramamine was kicking in! I severely needed more coffee! I was really excited though.
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I was surprised at how strong the tuna were, and how hard of a fight they put up! I was actually lifted off of my chair, and almost took an unexpected morning swim!

By the time we had to head in, we had caught our limit of tuna and mahi mahi for the boat. Once you’re back onshore, you can have your fish filleted and bring it back to your hotel. You can also have it sent to one of the restaurants to prepare for you. I did both! I gave the Captain the rest. There was just too much to keep!

My biggest tuna looked tiny next to a Marlin! I did not catch that one! I did, however catch a lot of tuna! This was an experience that did not disappoint! It was truly exhilarating!