Featured Photography Courses
Do you want to improve and broaden your photography skills? Whether you’re just beginning out as a photographer, or are looking to expand your skills, the best thing you can do for yourself is to enroll in photography courses.
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Photography Courses To Take You To The Next Level!

What you’ll learn
- Understanding what makes a food photo appetizing
- Comparing emotional and graphic compositional styles
- Choosing the right camera
- Evaluating lens options
- Choosing light reflectors
- Finding creative backgrounds
- Creating specular and diffuse lighting setups
- Creating different looks for each dish
- Creating a chill effect for drinks
- Shooting on location at a restaurant
- Editing photos

What you’ll learn
- Getting the shot
- Changing angle
- Exposing for the sky
- Using AE lock
- Setting exposure compensation
- Using Shutter Priority mode
- Selecting a lens
- Fixing the horizon
- Adjusting contrast and blacks
- Using the Targeted Adjustment tool
- Adjusting HSL (hue, saturation, and luminance)
- Using the histogram
- Fixing banding and haloing

What you’ll learn
- Adjusting aperture, shutter speed, and ISO
- Controlling autofocus
- Using buttons to change focus, metering, and shooting modes
- Carrying a camera like a pro
- Stabilizing the camera
- Working with flash
- Thinking creatively and changing your point of view
- Buying new gear

What you’ll learn
- What’s a portfolio and why does it matter?
- Top three things every portfolio needs
- Clarifying and defining your vision
- Examining and evaluating your work
- Defining your motivation
- Making your own road map
- Developing a personal brand
- Developing a manifesto or mission statement
- Building the portfolio website
- Expanding your business with print

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