I just finished shooting in New Orleans last week, and am now editing the rest of the “Once Upon A Time… The Creepy Dolls Deck ” for my Kickstarter Project.
The Creepy Dolls Deck of playing cards is part of a much bigger art project I am working on, so I have given them their own website… More to come later! I have been working more with mixed media for this project, and wanted it to have it’s own space!
As I was photographing the original Creepy Doll project, I started thinking about how all of the dolls were once loved, cared for, and played with by someone. Some were in really good shape, others not so much… All castaways, outgrown by their former owners. They all seemed rather creepy just sitting on the shelves, as if they were waiting for someone to rescue them! Plus, most porcelain dolls freak the bejeebers out of me anyway! I blame the movie with the”Chucky” doll! Clowns do too, but that’s another story!
I decided that they all had a story to share… and currently, it didn’t end with a “Happily Ever After”! I wanted them to be played with once again, and that’s how the “Once Upon A Time… Creepy Doll Deck” was born. It gives them a “Happily Ever After”! They get to be played with over and over again!
If you are not familiar with Kickstarter, check them out! A Kickstarter Project can help bring an artist’s dreams to life! You can be a part of it, by pledging to the project, and supporting the artist. The cool thing is, that YOU make it happen, and you get awesome rewards from the artist for helping support their dream!
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