Kayaking Cachuma Lake
A friend invited to me go kayaking up at Cachuma Lake yesterday. I hesitated at first. It’s been quite awhile since I’ve been out on the lake. In fact, I’ve actually avoided going. The drought in California has impacted the lake on such a level, that it’s depressing.
Getting out in nature should never have that effect.
I decided to go anyway. I met my friend at his campground, and we headed to the lake. It was worse that I could have ever imagined. The lake was a mere fragment of it’s former self.

Wow! I felt as if I had been punched in the belly. I stood staring in disbelief. I wondered how much longer before it totally disappeared.
A pipe running through the center of Cachuma Lake was pointed out to us. It’s impossible to miss! The pipe feeds water down into Santa Barbara. This July, there are plans to drop the lake ten more feet to keep that supply running.
What happens when Cachuma Lake ceases to exist? Where will you get your water from Santa Barbara?
To see the lake disappearing, you face the reality of how important it is not to lift the water restrictions too soon. And, it makes you wonder why nothing was done sooner.
Once in the water, you can’t help but notice the beauty surrounding the lake. As we paddled around the lake, we talked about what a great loss this would be for all of us if a solution isn’t found.

Rain, of course would be the most obvious solution. That, however cannot be relied on.
So, until Mother Nature starts producing it again, what are our options?
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