Todos Santos – Day 2
The morning started with a wake up call from several roosters. Wow! I was not expecting that! Didn’t they know how early it was, and that I am NOT a morning person?
I hadn’t got much sleep last night either, because I found out that Flying Cockroaches EXIST! Ok, it was just one… But, I’m sure it’s friends were hanging around somewhere. Just as I was about to dose off, I heard this strange buzzing noise near the pillow. I quickly turned on the lights, and jumped out of bed. There it was! It was on the pillow next to mine… It was huge, and had wings!
Not willing to share my bed with a cockroach, I ran to get something to kill it! Yes, kill it… I am not a believer in the bug relocation plan. My weapons of choice…. A broom and hairspray. The plan was to douse it, so that it couldn’t fly. Next, smash it with the broom.
My plan worked! Now, I could sleep… I had killed the giant flying cockroach! Unfortunately, sleep was not happening. I sat in bed, with the lights on, blankets tucked tightly around my body. I was wide awake for the next several hours. I kept wondering if there were more of them, and if they were living in the palapa roof above my head. I was convinced, that every little noise was another one of it’s family members. After completely freaking myself out, I finally managed to fall asleep.
Thankfully, I didn’t see anymore the rest of my stay! Out of every bug in the entire world, cockroaches are the ones that creep me out the most. Silverfish come in second.
After a sufficient amount of caffeine was consumed, I headed out to explore the town. I did, afterall, come to see an art festival!
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