9/11 Memorial – Remembering Those We Lost
I spent the past New Year’s Eve in New York City. It was one of the shortest trips I’ve taken there, and I had not planned on going to the 9/11 Memorial. I’ve never been able to bring myself back to the spot where we were attacked… The place where so many were lost, and forever changed our country.
Just hours before the city started celebrating, I found myself waiting in a long line to get into the 9/11 Memorial. It was so cold, and had just started to snow. It was the last place I had expected to be on New Year’s Eve, yet there I was.
As I walked towards the two pools, I remembered the last time I had stood on that ground… The towers were still standing. I had been inside of them with a friend… It was so surreal. I couldn’t quite wrap my head around it, despite the fact I was standing right there.
I walked around the pools, touching the names of the victims which are inscribed in bronze parapets. I wondered who they were, and what kind of lives they had lead. I thought of the families that were left behind, and the unbearable pain they suffered.
As I watched the waterfalls cascade towards the center abyss, I couldn’t help but think of all the tears that had been shed… So many tears for all who were lost.
As I walked away, ready to begin a new year, I reflected on all the lost souls that no longer could…
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